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Gallina Rappresentanze started as a company of sales representatives of which is still our strong point today. With over twenty years of experience we are able to optimize and maximize in a short time the channels of distribution on behalf of our clients.

Gallina Rappresentanze to satisfy it’s clients commercial needs, uses an accurate process and structural analysis:

  • We analyse company problems related to products they handle, in the market they serve, and the percentage they hold in that market;

  • Create a made to measure commercial net for the company, that corresponds to our clients needs and in which it’s most accredited professionals take part;

  • To constantly follow the strength of the sales, analyse the progress and intervene if any difficulty should slow down the process of reaching the set objectives;

  • We are always near the client, interpreting the signals that return from the markets and turning them into the clients favour;

  • We are always near our sales team, supplying them continually with the means necessary to increase a positive growth trend;

  • Never losing sight of it’s objectives aiming always to increase it’s share of the market of its partners which means: an increase in sales and profits for all those involved in the process.


Thanks to our vast knowledge developed over the years in the field of marketing and to specific ability and experience of our representatives gained over years of economical and company studies, we are able to supply solutions made to measure for each individual client.

The marketing process that Gallina Rappresentanze develops for it’s partners uses the following fazes:

  • Faze 1 – Analyses of the environment – in this faze we do an accurate analyses of the clients macro and micro environment in which our clients operate analysing the demographic characteristics the internal political system, technical, economical and socio-cultural;

  • Faze 2 – Analyses of the competition – identify direct and indirect competitors. The competition is analysed with regards to it’s attack on the market evaluating it’s tack ticks and the competitors strength;

    Faze 3 – Market – ia personalizing our marketing and evaluating the potential and available markets;

  • Faze 4 – Choosing the right marketing strategy – so in the end we aim for a specific market which we have pin-pointed through a careful and accurate marketing process. Then we choose the best plan to attack the chousen market


Gallina Rappresentanze puts at the disposition of the growing company a pool of consultants so as to help it organize and trasform.

Transporting a company towards new dimensions is what we do, to stand by the side of our client to decide the rout to take is all in a normal days work.

Gallina Rappresentanze intervenes to resolve running problems by offering a series of specific services that culminate in the elaboration of a made to measure plan for the company.

For the company that needs a fast and efficient service at a very competitive cost we offer the right kind packet for all your need and on all fronts, accounting fiscal.

Professional assistence in all aspects of running a company: this is the objective of the team at Gallina Rappresentanze.

@ Gallina Rappresentanze - Vat Nr: 03308440613 - Design: Netpixel
Telephone: +39.333.8123871 - Mail: info@gallinarappresentanze.com